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The Ball Starts Rolling June 11, 2007

Posted by WishBoNe in Animals, Friendship.

It’s always a juggle trying to find a date and time slot that is suitable for everyone to meet up. This group is a trying one because I have to go through countless number of SMS and calls just to get a date. Emails don’t get any response. How many are we trying to get a dinner date for? Four. You read right, 4.

The latest attempts include me forgetting to start the ball rolling because of my involvement with Latte and his cage. He may be getting a girlfriend once I get him neutered. Ouch. Other involvements such as the Bird Park visit and my camera’s death also came into play.

Anyway, back to my attempts at organising the simple dinner. I asked LP and gave a series of dates but the reply was, “That day cannot”. So, which day can? An answer finally came. I asked AY for the same date. The reply was positive. All these happened on MSN taking about 2 hours, including toilet breaks and returning the passes for the Zoo and Bird Park. Next, SH messaged me and said that particular day that I had chosen was not a good day. I saw the message too late.

I had to change dates. I have less weekday evenings since my stint in tuition. So, armed with these limitations, I re-checked my schedule to see which dates would be ok. Tentatively, I’ve finally settled on a date that is 2 weeks away from now. Four schedules and the nearest date is that date. I only hope SH is free on that day.


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